Rules & your willingness and acceptance to agreed terms:
1. A charge is a hanging fee PER COAT or PER BAG - We do not allow more than one item on a hanger.
2. NO BIG SPORTS BAGS - Due to limited space, we do not accept any large sports bags.
3. NO VALUABLES. We recommend that you DO NOT hand any valuables in (phones, purses, personal devices, keys etc.), as The Venue accepts NO LIABILITY for any loss or damage of an item.
4. LOOK AFTER YOUR TICKET! It is your responsibility to look after your ticket. The Venue accepts NO LIABILITY if any loss or damage occurs from a lost ticket. Liability in any loss related to an attained ticket is limited to a maximum $100 (per ticket).
5. NO TICKET = NO RETURNED PROPERTY - You will have to either wait until the very end to describe your item OR collect it during the allocated collection times.
6. LOST OR DAMAGED ITEMS The Venue staff take great care when handling property to ensure that damage or loss does not occur. However, in the unlikely event that damage or loss does occur, The Venue accepts NO LIABILITY and WILL NOT compensate for any lost or damaged items. (with exception to liability related to lost property loss acknowledged in item 4) - Please take this into account before using our cloakroom services! Receipts, tickets and other matters will be required by the patron.
7. The Venue will also accept NO LIABILITY for any property lost or damaged on the premises.
8. LOST PROPERTY & COLLECTIONS. Patrons can collect lost property as mentioned on our website.